Archie Webster
A standing cat
Live data from my desk:
no reading
no reading
no reading
Server uptime:
no reading
Time able to drive:
no data
Time spent driving:
no data
Miles driven:
no data
Last drive:
no data
I made
game to see if I can get better at playing Dobble. Can you beat
my score?
Highest score:
no data
Time spent dobbling:
no data
Number of games:
no data
Score change per hour spent dobbling:
no data
For the 60 second mode
Last game:
no data
Last day recorded:
no data
This graph shows my climbing progression over time. The value
above each bar is the maximum grade climbed.
Highest grade climbed:
no data
Number of climbing sessions recorded:
no data
Last climb:
no data
This graph shows how long I've spent learning German.
Current streak:
no data
Total time spent learning:
no data
Number of lessons:
no data
Last lesson:
no data
Call of Duty
Ben and I sometimes play Call of Duty together, who's winning?
This graph shows the margin that either of us was winning by
Games won by Archie:
no data
Games won by Ben:
no data
Last game:
no data
How has my chess rating improved over time?
Highest rating:
no data
Time spent playing:
no data
Number of games played:
no data
Rating change per hour spent playing:
no data
Last game:
no data
Typing Speed
How has my typing speed improved over time?
Highest typing speed:
no data
Time spent doing tests:
no data
Average typing speed:
no data
Average accuracy:
no data
Average number of tests per day:
no data
Speed change per hour spent typing:
no data
Based on the last 500 tests
In March 24 I switched to a larger word set
Last test:
no data
Data is updated daily where possible